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Bad Spark Plug Sound Noise With Prevention Tips

Bad Spark Plug Sound

Bad spark plug sound: How to understand

Are you facing some weird noises while driving your car? At most, what you will do is check the engine to figure out the noise source and find the engine is fine. The sounds are getting worse day by day and still can’t see where it is coming from.

Then let us tell you, the noises are the result of bad spark plugs. Yes, spark plugs are the most overlooked components.

Bad Spark Plug Sound

This article will illustrate how you will understand the ear-bursting sounds, whether they result from a bad spark plug or not.

Types of sounds bad spark plugs make: 4 Types

1. Rough and idling sound:

A foul and damaged spark plug causes your engine to make a rough and idling sound. When the bad spark plugs fail to provide smooth electricity to the engine, the engine starts to idle.

The idling sound may also lead to excessive vibrating noises if the bad spark plugs are not changed timely.

2. Knock-like sounds:

Knock sounds from the car result from faulty spark plugs. When the plugs become disabled, they fail to force the piston that provides combustion to the engine.

Hence, the pistons provide pressure to themselves, resulting in knock-like noises.

Initially, this type of noise might not look like a big deal. But as time passes by, the pistons also die so that the engine won’t work too.

3. Rattling sounds:

Rattling noises occur at the very last stage of the spark plugs’ life, and they are the most frustrating. The engine starts to rattle when they are unable to provide smooth acceleration to the car.

The instability of the current flow towards the engine makes the sounds, and over time the acceleration fails and rattling noises hog in.

4. Popping/ Sneezing/ Backfiring sound:

These particular types of sounds are encountered when the spark plug misfires. It happens when the unused fuel remains inside the cylinder and is ignited through the next cylinder on an exhaust stroke with a spark.

Then you know the spark plugs have misfired when they make mild popping or sneezing sounds.


How to prevent bad spark plugs sounds noise: 2 ways

1. Replace the bad spark plugs:

Replace The Bad Spark Plugs

Replacing the spark plugs over time is essential, and they are wearable components in a car. If you maintain it well, then their life can be elongated but cannot be kept forever.

If your car makes uninvited sounds, then other functions get hampered too. Hence, to make sure they don’t make those sounds, the replacement of spark plugs is necessary.

2. Invest in good-quality spark plugs:

Invest In Good-Quality Spark Plugs

Sometimes, replacing it with second-hand or low-quality spark plugs can also result in absurd sounds.

Cheap spark plugs get bad quickly; hence, it is vital to invest in good-quality ones to make them last long and serve your engine effectively without noise!

Why does a spark plug make a clicking noise?

The clicking noise is created when the metal electrodes inside the spark plug rub against each other due to the electrical current passing through them. The metal electrodes are shaped to create a gap, which causes short-circuiting and produces the sound.

How long will a ticking engine last?

A ticking engine can last anywhere from 80 to 100,000 miles depending on the motor’s age, type, and maintenance history. To get the best performance and the most life out of your engine, make sure to follow proper maintenance and care techniques.

Will the oil change stop the tick noise?

Yes, an oil change can help solve the problem of a ticking noise coming from your car engine. It’s important to ensure the oil is changed regularly to preserve the life of your engine and avoid the common problems caused by old oil, such as a ticking noise. 

Can low oil cause tick noise?

Yes, low oil can cause a ticking noise in your engine. While most people ignore their engine’s oil levels, ensuring your oil is at the right level for optimal performance is important. A ticking noise can be caused by low oil because it prevents the engine from getting enough lubrication. 

Can dirty oil cause tick noise?

The answer is yes, and it is a common issue for many car owners. As motor oil ages, it breaks down and picks up debris from within the engine. When this debris and extremely dirty oil circulate the moving parts, it creates friction and a ticking noise.

What does a spark plug misfire sound like?

A spark plug misfire can sound like a loud banging or thumping sound, depending on the severity of the misfire. If a spark plug fails to ignite the air-fuel mixture properly, this can cause the engine to run roughly or to stutter and stop completely, often resulting in a loud banging noise. 

How do I know if I need new spark plugs?

Here are five key indicators that your spark plugs might need replacing or changing.

1. Your vehicle is misfiring

A misfire is the first and most telling sign of a faulty spark plug. A misfire is when your car’s engine fails to ignite the fuel properly, which can result in a range or minor to severe issues. 

2. Poor acceleration

When the spark plugs increase in age, they can become less effective at sparking the fuel. This can result in poor acceleration from your car and a sudden loss of power. 

3. Poor fuel economy

When the spark plugs become worn, your vehicle’s engine will be required to work harder than normal to keep the car running. 

4. Excessive emissions

If your car produces higher emissions than normal, this is certainly another sign that your spark plugs need replacing. 

5. Poor engine performance

Finally, if your vehicle is running rough or losing power, this could indicate that your spark plugs are on their way out. 

Can bad spark plugs cause a rattling sound?

Yes, bad spark plugs can cause a rattling sound. Spark plugs ignite the fuel-air mixture in your car’s combustion chamber and are an integral component of your vehicle’s engine. If they’re worn out or otherwise malfunctioning, they can cause knocking, sputtering, and other unpleasant noises.


Will the sound from bad spark plugs malfunction other parts of the vehicle?

The sounds result from the malfunctioning of some part of your car/ vehicle. It means, when you understand the types of bad sound plugs make, you can detect there is something wrong with the spark plugs and get them changed.

Will changing the spark plug wires only help to lessen the sounds?

If the wires are defective and the rest spark plug is healthy, then changing the wires only can solve the issue. However, it is better to change the entire set to prevent further problems because you never know whether the worn-out wires have affected the plugs or not.

Does a bad ignition coil sound the same as a bad spark plug?

While you start the car, the engine will give off a coughing or sputtering noise due to a bad ignition coil. Unless you have not heard a sound for long, it will be challenging to determine whether the sound is the same or different from a bad spark plug.


Understanding the bad spark plug sounds is not challenging because sounds come after the malfunction already occurs. You hear a weird sound and know something is going on.

It will be a better idea to see a car mechanic as soon as possible to save your dear vehicle. Dealing with a bad spark plug is much easier than dealing with its arising problems!

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