What is Spark Advance at Idle, Live Data, Mechanism Explained

What is a good spark advance?
A spark advance (sparkadv) is the characteristic of the demand of an engine and typically a spark advance of one (1) to one point 5 (1.5) degrees increase per thousand RPM is considered as a good spark advance.

That is determined usually at 15-35 degrees before the top dead center (TDC) of the power stroke which is depending on the speed of the engine.
To achieve the best power, you just need to set the ignition timing at the time of sparking fire ahead of the time so that it can reach the necessary peak pressure when reaching two degrees after the top dead center.
Spark advance range : 1 to 1.5 degrees increase per 1,000 RPM
What should spark advance be at WOT-At 2,800 rpm at WOT, 32 to 34 degrees of timing is right for a typical pump gas street engine.
Spark advance at idle
Most of the engines have a spark advance at idle between 5-20 degrees of ignition. This credential is referred to as primary or initial timing.

But when you see the difference between mechanical advance and centrifugal advance, then as an engine revs up to the max you have to allow even more of a high start for your spark plug for the complete combustion to happen.
Normal spark advance at idle
Normal spark advances for most engines have been mostly between 5-20 degrees of advanced ignition at idle.
What is negative spark advance at idle?
If you are having negative timing at idle, then it is caused by the computer which is trying to decrease the RPM. There are a few reasons which may or may not apply to your condition, but these are the general reasons hugely depending on the type of TB which is being used on this occasion. This is proof that you are having an over ported TB because the screw throttle is opened up very much.
Spark advance live data
To gather spark advance live data from an engine of the vehicle, you just need to take the help of an OCD2 machine so that it can do the tricks for you and deliver the spark advance live data whenever you want them.
How do you read spark advance-normal obd2 live data readings Basics
Spark advance mechanism
Advancing to the spark BTDC, a spark advance mechanism means that the spark is powered before the point where the chamber combustion reaches its minimum size since the aim and goal of the power stroke of the engine are to force the chamber combustion to expand.
Spark advance and retardation
Ignition timing advancing or spark advance means that your spark plugs are firing earlier in the stroke of the compression even farther from the TDC.
The fuel mixture and air in the combustion chamber won’t burn right away. Therefore, it will stay in the system for some time.
This is where the ignition timing retarding comes in and retardation causes to fire the spark plug in the compression stroke.
What is negative spark advance?
When your computer is trying to lower the RPM, then your car will have a negative spark advance even at idle.
When you nail the gas of your engine first so that it can cause knock or at least your engine thinks it heard a knock, then the negative spark advance corrections are increased or sustained as the RPM goes high which is bad for the production of the power.
What is spark advance in the engine?
Spark advance in engine refers to the time before TDC (TOP DEAD CENTER) when the spark is initiated first. It is mostly expressed in several degrees of the rotation of the crankshaft which is also related to TDC.
Spark advance has a great influence of timing on exhaust emissions of brake-specific for a representative engine with a constant air-fuel ratio as well as constant speed.
What is the spark advance mechanism?
The centrifugal or the mechanical advance or popularly known as the spark advance mechanism is an ignition timing control mechanism that is built into the system of most distributors.
It is made up of two weights. One is an advance plate or camshaft attached to the trigger mechanism located inside of the distributor, and the other is springs that control the speed of the weights are flung outside.
Is spark advance the same as ignition timing?
Ignition timing advance refers to the spark plugs which are firing beforehand in the stroke of compression, which is also far away from TDC. The fuel mixture and air in the combustion chamber won’t burn right away.
Ignition timing retarding is the reason behind the spark plug’s late firing in the compression stroke. On the contrary, spark advance is the time before TDC (top dead center) when you initiate the spark.
It is typically expressed in the number of degrees of the rotation of the crankshaft that is relative to TDC. So, spark advance is not the same as ignition timing because of the representative variation of the performance with ignition timing.
What does a 4-degree ignition advancer do?
A 4-degree ignition advancer has a great role in the firing section. It can fire the spark plug four degrees sooner than it usually does stock. In this case, the plug will fire before the top dead center or TDC.
What are the symptoms of over-advanced ignition timing?
The very first symptom that the advanced ignition timing will show is overheating. If the ignition timing of your vehicle is too far advanced, then it will certainly cause the air mixture and fuel to fire too early in the cycle of combustion.
This action will then cause a huge amount of heat generation by the process of combustion so that it can increase and lead to make the engine overheated.
The next symptom it will show is an engine knock. When the ignition timing of your vehicle is far advanced then it will cause an engine knock which will be noticeable to you easily.
What happens when the timing is too far advanced?
When your timing gets too far advanced then it refers to the fact that the plug ignites earlier in the stroke of compression which is quite far away from the top dead center or TDC.
Advanced ignition is needed because the fuel mixture and air mixture won’t get burned easily and instantly.
It certainly will take some time for the flame so that it can ignite all the fuel and air mixture. However, if your vehicle’s timing is too far advanced, then it will cause an engine knock and overheating.
What happens if your ignition timing is off?
When you bring or do any changes to your car engine, then the ignition timing will be adjusted accordingly.
If it doesn’t get adjusted accordingly, then you would experience many problems with your car engine with improper timing ignition like having a knock, hard to start the engine, increase usage of fuel, power reducing, and overheating.
So, these are the things that can happen if your ignition timing is off or turned off somehow.
What is spark advance on a boat?
Spark advance on a boat happens when you provide the engine throttle and the spark advance rod moves before the camshaft follower so that it can then start to open up the throttle valves of the carburetors.
What is spark advance definition?
The definition of spark advance is the time before the top dead center or TDC when the spark is getting initiated. It is mainly an expression of rotation of the crankshaft which is relative to TDC and determined in the number of degrees.
What is a normal spark advance?
Normal spark advance is set at 15-35 degrees before the Top Dead Center of the stroke power which is typically dependent on the speed of the engine. Best power is gained only when the timing of the ignition is set to fire the spark forward of the time so that it can reach that peak of the pressure located at about two degrees after TDC.
What is spark timing advance?
Spark timing advance means that the spark plugs are firing earlier into the compression stroke, far away from TDC. The remaining air and fuel mixture of the combustion chamber won’t burn right away. Spark timing advance may be needed to allow some time to get everything into the ignition.
What is electronic spark advance?
An electronic spark advance ignition system is stated for internal combustion comprising engine or magnetic pickup or an ignition coil for generating a couple of pulse signals with an interval time there between corresponding substantially to the highest advance angle in terms of the rotation of crankshaft degrees for each point.
What is the point of spark advance?
Spark advance means the plug that fires earlier into the compression stroke that is far away from the top dead center. Spark advance is necessary because the fuel mixture or the air does not burn instantly. It takes some time for the flame to ignite all the mixture of fuel. This is the main point of spark advance of a system.
Ignition Timing Spark ADV Live Data
How to tell if a spark plug is bad by looking at it
What does a good burning spark plug look like
What does a bad spark plug look like
What should my spark advance be?
Your spark advance should always be at 15-35 degrees before TDC or the top dead center of the power stroke which is mostly dependent on the speed of the engine. But to achieve the best power you need to act properly when the timing of the ignition is ready to fire the spark ahead of the time to reach the necessary peak pressure point which is at 2 degrees after top dead center or TDC.
What is normal spark advance at idle?
Normal spark advance at idle of most of the engines are between 5-20 degrees of advance ignition on the display.
Is spark advance the same as timing?
Spark advance is the time before the top dead center which is popularly known as TDC when the spark is getting initiated in the first place. It is typically expressed and determined in several degrees of the rotation of the crankshaft that is related to the TDC. Their representative variation of performance is interlinked with spark timing.
What happens with too much spark advance?
If the ignition timing is too far advanced, then it will certainly cause the air and the fuel mixture to ignite too early in the cycle of combustion. This can also cause the amount of generating heat by the combustion process so that it can process and increase the lead to overheating of the engine.
What happens with too much timing?
Too much timing can cause serious engine damage, so it is the best way to be an informed tuner. If the spark occurs too late, then the engine runs flat which can make less power so that it may overheat.
What are the symptoms of bad timing?
These are the symptoms of bad timing as follows:
- You hear a ticking noise coming from the engine.
- Your notice an oil leak near the motor.
- Your car’s engine won’t turn over.
- You will experience exhaust issues.
- Your revs will start acting up.
Spark advance is the time before the top dead center or TDC when the spark is getting initiated. It is mainly an expression of rotation of the crankshaft which is relative to TDC and determined in the number of degrees.
The centrifugal or the mechanical advance or popularly known as the spark advance mechanism is an ignition timing control mechanism that is built into the system of most distributors.
To gather spark advance live data from an engine of the vehicle, you just need to take the help of an OCD2 machine so that it can do the tricks for you and deliver the spark advance live data whenever you want them.
It is made up of two weights. One is an advance plate or camshaft attached to the trigger mechanism located inside of the distributor, and the other is springs that control the speed of the weights are flung outside.